's Blog

Monday Memories: What I Wish I’d Stuck With

Posted Jan 19 2015 in , ,

Looking back, there are a few things I wish I’d have done differently. I’m relatively certain most people feel that way. What’s one of mine? The piano. I took piano lessons for several years. We moved a lot, so I changed teachers. I progressed. But in order to play a new song, I had to […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution Part 2

Posted Jan 17 2015 in , , , , , ,

So, I spent more time in my office closet this weekend. I’ve been in my home for about ten years now. When I moved in we put a ton of stuff into my office closet, but now I’m cleaning it out. New Year’s Cleaning instead of Spring Cleaning you might call it. I found this: […]

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Fitness Friday: Ouch – Charley Horse!

Posted Jan 16 2015 in , ,

This morning I was relaxing in a recliner when my calf muscle just started to spasm. I really hate charley horses. They are painful, and even after stretching them out they tend to linger. A charley horse is really just a muscle spasm. I get them occasionally. Usually in bed or when I’m relaxing. What […]

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Thursday Take Five: Television Jewels

Posted Jan 15 2015 in , , , , ,

People say there’s nothing on TV anymore. I think they’re wrong. I hadn’t watched much television for about 3 years (ever since I sold my first book). Priorities, you know. But, when I took a few months off to help with my mom’s care, I found myself searching for a bit of distraction when she was […]

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Tuesday Tunes: I Won’t Give Up

Posted Jan 13 2015 in , , ,

Some songs truly touch me. I write romance novels because I love the optimism of the genre. There’s too much tragedy in the world. But there are also beauty and hope and honor and heroes.  I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing lately. What kind of writer I want to be known as? I love writing […]

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Monday Memories: My Milwaukee Brace

Posted Jan 12 2015 in , ,

Most people (except those I went to school with) don’t know it, but from the time I was twelve until I was a sophomore in high school, I wore a Milwaukee Brace for scoliosis. My spine was curved, and the lower curve was about 30 degrees. The upper curve around 20 degrees. A school screening […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution

Posted Jan 10 2015 in , , , , , , , ,

Well, I’m cleaning out of my office. I can’t wait to show you the final produce…but until then I’m delving into the dark hole that is my office closet to clean out items I haven’t touched since I moved in. GULP! And what did I find? A box that used to hold a case of […]

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Fitness Friday: I’ve Got the Music in Me!

Posted Jan 9 2015 in , , , , , , , , , , ,

I try to work out four times per week. Of course, it doesn’t always happen. Last night I didn’t leave the day job until after 7 pm and I had to get home instead of go to the gym, but…I try. My workouts typically consist of 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of floor […]

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Take Five Thursday: My Favorite Sci-Fi Book

Posted Jan 8 2015 in , , , ,

I love to read. That shouldn’t be much of a shocker. I read a lot of different types of books, and in my professional life I’m a bit of a geek so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love Sci Fi. Sci Fi movies and books. Hands down my favorite Sci Fi book […]

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Wednesday Wisdom: Priorities

Posted Jan 7 2015 in , , ,

I can’t remember a time I didn’t make lists. Maybe it’s because I’ve always filled up my plate pretty full. I’m also a long-time believer in planning. I’m a planner in my life and in my writing. Pretty much everything. The problem is, I’m overly optimistic. Things usually take about 3 times longer than I anticipate. […]

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Tuesday Tunes: A Classic

Posted Jan 6 2015 in , , , , ,

Okay…so I’m going to admit it. I’m a HUGE Barry Manilow Fan! I have most of his albums and when I was younger, he spoke to my heart. Still does, actually. Glee did an episode one season called Guilty Pleasures. Mr. Manilow was featured (along with Copacabana). For me, though, I offer no apologies. I […]

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Monday Memories: My Inspiration

Posted Jan 5 2015 in , ,

Everyone has an inspiration. I could name so many over the years, but my first inspiration was my great aunt. Her name was Lillian Bailey. We called her Aunt Daddee (pronounced Day-Dee, though I’m not quite sure if it’s spelled Daddee or Dadee).  She was a writer. She entered tons of jingle contests and won […]

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Wacky Weekend: Evolution of Dance

Posted Jan 3 2015 in ,

For this rendition of Wacky Weekend, here is one of my favorite You Tube videos…the Evolution of Dance! I can’t stop smiling when I watch this very talented comedian. Enjoy!

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Fitness Friday: Stretching is a Must

Posted Jan 2 2015 in ,

Stretching is critical to protect your body from injury…and not just for working out. During my workout, I include stretches on the following: hamstring, hip flexor, calf, quads, shoulders, biceps, triceps and sometimes forearms and wrists to assist with repetitive motion pains and strains..  Here’s a great web post showing numerous stretches. Good luck and […]

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Tuesday Tunes: Shake it Off

Posted Dec 30 2014 in , , , , , ,

It’s coming to the end of the year. This has been a tough one in my family. My mom’s Alzheimer’s disease has taken a huge toll on her this year. The occasional glimpses of recognition and the “I love yous’ are quite rare now and will eventually fade, but those moments…they are golden. They are […]

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Monday Memories: In the Eyes of a Child

Posted Dec 29 2014 in , , ,

Out of the mouths of babes. The old cliche contains more truth than we realize. When my brother was about four or five years old, the family took a trip to Carlsbad Caverns. If you’ve never been there, it’s quite amazing. There are more than 119 known caves form when sulfuric acid dissolved surrounding limestone. […]

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Wacky Weekend: Five Strange Facts You Never Wanted to Know

Posted Dec 28 2014 in , , , , , , , , ,

Sometimes you just have to say, “Hmmm!” There is no word that rhymes with orange There is a reason Wheel of Fortune uses R S T L N E as the choices on the final round. They are the most common letters in the English language. HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPPEDALIOPHOBIA is the fear of long words. Beetles task like […]

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