Tag: Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted Nov 27 2014 in , , ,

Today is a good day to concentrate on gratitude. How, you may ask? I won’t pretend it’s always easy, but what I have learned is that for me, living every day with an attitude of gratitude makes the tough times easier and the good times truly joyous. Not that I don’t get mired in hopelessness […]

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Monday Memories: What I am Thankful For

Posted Nov 17 2014 in , , , , ,

My friends. I have the best friends in the world. They support me, carry me when I’m falling and celebrate when wonderful things happen. They even kick me in the hind end when I need it. Thank you, my friends. I love you! My family. I have a wonderful family who inspire me daily. In […]

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