Tag: Wacky Weekend

Happy Easter

Posted Apr 5 2015 in , ,

May this day bring you every blessing. Happy Easter. Here is a beautiful version of Hallelujah to enjoy.

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution 3

Posted Jan 25 2015 in , ,

My writing office is coming along. I now have my new shelves and cubbies finished and I’ve started throwing away the old, and putting back in those items that I use on a daily basis. Here’s the empty office, with my computer and printer set up. I’m SO excited!  Do you find organizing fun? I […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution Part 2

Posted Jan 17 2015 in , , , , , ,

So, I spent more time in my office closet this weekend. I’ve been in my home for about ten years now. When I moved in we put a ton of stuff into my office closet, but now I’m cleaning it out. New Year’s Cleaning instead of Spring Cleaning you might call it. I found this: […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution

Posted Jan 10 2015 in , , , , , , , ,

Well, I’m cleaning out of my office. I can’t wait to show you the final produce…but until then I’m delving into the dark hole that is my office closet to clean out items I haven’t touched since I moved in. GULP! And what did I find? A box that used to hold a case of […]

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Wacky Weekend: Evolution of Dance

Posted Jan 3 2015 in ,

For this rendition of Wacky Weekend, here is one of my favorite You Tube videos…the Evolution of Dance! I can’t stop smiling when I watch this very talented comedian. Enjoy!

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Wacky Weekend: Five Strange Facts You Never Wanted to Know

Posted Dec 28 2014 in , , , , , , , , ,

Sometimes you just have to say, “Hmmm!” There is no word that rhymes with orange There is a reason Wheel of Fortune uses R S T L N E as the choices on the final round. They are the most common letters in the English language. HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPPEDALIOPHOBIA is the fear of long words. Beetles task like […]

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Wacky Weekend: Crazy Cookie Recipe–YUMMY!

Posted Dec 21 2014 in , , , ,

Okay, so none of us have a lot of time during the holiday season, and going to the store to buy tons of ingredients for cookies is a pain. Well, I’ve got the answer. 3 ingredients (4 if you count sprinkles) will make you cookies that will have your mouth watering and everyone completly fluxomed on […]

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Wacky Weekend: Babies Make Me Smile

Posted Dec 6 2014 in , , , ,

Okay, so this weekend, I’m going to be doing a little Christmas baking–which in itself should be comical, however, I wanted to share one of the videos that truly makes me grin. Just because it’s a wacky weekend :-). Babies really do make me smile. 

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Wacky Weekend: I Kept What?

Posted Nov 29 2014 in , , , , , , , ,

I’m cleaning out my garage over the next month. I almost had it cleaned out at one point, but then my parents delivered my childhood room, and half the garage filled up again. It’s amazing what you find in old boxes from 20 years ago. Some of the goodies in my garage include: A Commodore 64…does […]

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