Tag: Inspiration

Tuesday Tunes: I Won’t Give Up

Posted Jan 13 2015 in , , ,

Some songs truly touch me. I write romance novels because I love the optimism of the genre. There’s too much tragedy in the world. But there are also beauty and hope and honor and heroes.  I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing lately. What kind of writer I want to be known as? I love writing […]

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Monday Memories: My Inspiration

Posted Jan 5 2015 in , ,

Everyone has an inspiration. I could name so many over the years, but my first inspiration was my great aunt. Her name was Lillian Bailey. We called her Aunt Daddee (pronounced Day-Dee, though I’m not quite sure if it’s spelled Daddee or Dadee).  She was a writer. She entered tons of jingle contests and won […]

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Monday Memories: The Storytelling Bug Bit Me Over Tacos

Posted Nov 24 2014 in , , , , ,

One of the most common questions I’m asked is ‘when did you start writing?’ The truth is, I’ve been writing forever, but the real answer to that question is a little different, because for me, it’s always been the storytelling that grabbed my interest first. I lost my heart to storytelling when I was a […]

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Wednesday Wisdom: Start with the Woman in the Mirror

Posted Nov 19 2014 in , , ,

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month. — Theodore Roosevelt

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