Take Five Thursday: My Favorite Sci-Fi Book

Posted Jan 8 2015 in , , , ,

I love InherittheStars2to read. That shouldn’t be much of a shocker. I read a lot of different types of books, and in my professional life I’m a bit of a geek so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love Sci Fi. Sci Fi movies and books.

Hands down my favorite Sci Fi book is Inherit the stars. Just the concept should make you want to pick up the book. Mankind is populating the moon. They find the skeleton of an astronaut in an unfamiliar spacesuit. When they take the skeleton back to earth, they discover it is 50,000 years old. Enough said.

A lot of science and a lot of mystery, I was enthralled by this book. It truly excited my imagination! What’s one of your favorite books?

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