's Blog

Wednesday Wisdom from the Grinch

Posted Dec 3 2014 in , , , ,

During the holiday season, a reminder never hurts. The Grinch was a pretty smart cookie!

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Tuesday Tunes: Love Conquers All

Posted Dec 2 2014 in , , ,

Sometimes a song haunts you. In my stories, I’ve always been drawn to characters who don’t give up, who have faith and who sacrifice. And who fight for what’s right…and for the person they care about. I think that’s why this song touches me so much. Do you have a song that touches you?

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Monday Memories: The Ants Go Marching

Posted Dec 1 2014 in , , , , ,

The garage clean-up continues at my house. What a mess. But with each box, new memories surface. I was a lucky kid. I had parents who loved me, an irritating younger brother (who I adored) and a slew of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. I know those childhood memories have influenced my writing. Small little […]

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Wacky Weekend: I Kept What?

Posted Nov 29 2014 in , , , , , , , ,

I’m cleaning out my garage over the next month. I almost had it cleaned out at one point, but then my parents delivered my childhood room, and half the garage filled up again. It’s amazing what you find in old boxes from 20 years ago. Some of the goodies in my garage include: A Commodore 64…does […]

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Fitness Friday: The Day After Thanksgiving

Posted Nov 28 2014 in , , , , ,

Wow. It’s the day after Thanksgiving. We ate, we drank, we ate some more. And man, today, I’m not hungry AT ALL! Yesterday I didn’t keep track of what I ate. Part of me is glad. Did you know the average adult consumes about 4000 calories on Thanksgiving? Not sure if I did, but it […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

Posted Nov 27 2014 in , , ,

Today is a good day to concentrate on gratitude. How, you may ask? I won’t pretend it’s always easy, but what I have learned is that for me, living every day with an attitude of gratitude makes the tough times easier and the good times truly joyous. Not that I don’t get mired in hopelessness […]

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Wednesday Wisdom: Thanksgiving

Posted Nov 26 2014 in , , ,

 In honor of Thanksgiving…a few well chosen words…

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Tuesday Tunes: Mr. Rogers Remix

Posted Nov 25 2014 in , , , ,

Okay, so not all tunes are the latest and greatest pop hit. Some take you back to childhood, and in this holiday season I’ve been doing a lot of walking down memory lane (as I told you during yesterday’s blog). This catchy ditty, I just can’t shake off (wink-wink to Ms. Taylor Swift). Probably because […]

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Monday Memories: The Storytelling Bug Bit Me Over Tacos

Posted Nov 24 2014 in , , , , ,

One of the most common questions I’m asked is ‘when did you start writing?’ The truth is, I’ve been writing forever, but the real answer to that question is a little different, because for me, it’s always been the storytelling that grabbed my interest first. I lost my heart to storytelling when I was a […]

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Wacky Weekend – Tim Conway’s Elephant Story

Posted Nov 23 2014 in , , , , ,

Hi everyone! Sometimes we just need to laugh. This video is almost five minutes long, but what can be said of Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett Show? There’s a small cuss word at the end, but I couldn’t stop laughing. Enjoy this wacky weekend!

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Fitness Friday: It’s All About the Feet!

Posted Nov 21 2014 in , , , , ,

The worst thing about working out: it actually does help stress; it does make you stronger; it does give you a sense of wellbeing… and for every week you miss, it seems to take months to get back to where you were. I hate it! Except that it truly does do everything advertised. Why couldn’t […]

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Techno Thursday: What the heck is Nanotechnology?

Posted Nov 20 2014 in , , , , ,

Okay, I admit it. I’m a geek. And occasionally in my books I’ll put something a little fun and techie! I occasionally even get a comment about how some things in my books are unbelievable. BUT… there’s a lot of science these days that is true…and unbelievable. Nanotechnology is a science that defies the laws of […]

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Wednesday Wisdom: Start with the Woman in the Mirror

Posted Nov 19 2014 in , , ,

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month. — Theodore Roosevelt

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Tuesday Tunes: A Hero Comes Along

Posted Nov 18 2014 in , , , , , , , , , ,

Some days I wonder if heroes exist anymore. I’m an optimist at heart, but sometimes I look around and have to wonder…where have all the heroes gone? I’m not talking about celebrities or sports figures or the rich and famous. I mean the person who sacrifices without expectation. The man or woman who does the […]

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Monday Memories: What I am Thankful For

Posted Nov 17 2014 in , , , , ,

My friends. I have the best friends in the world. They support me, carry me when I’m falling and celebrate when wonderful things happen. They even kick me in the hind end when I need it. Thank you, my friends. I love you! My family. I have a wonderful family who inspire me daily. In […]

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