's Blog

RWA National Conference Workshop – Transforming a Good Book into a Great Book

Posted Jul 21 2018

This week I was lucky enough to give a new workshop at the Romance Writers of American National Conference. My topic was How to Transform a Good Book into a Great Book. I was, unfortunately, under the weather so had to leave early, but I’m so thankful for those of you who stopped and said how […]

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Independence Day – The Meaning Behind the Day

Posted Jul 4 2018

Today is Independence Day. The Fourth of July. It’s a day of fireworks, barbecues, swimming and summer fun, but today is actually the day commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It’s been celebrated every year since 1777. For me, today holds a lot of meaning. Legs of both sides […]

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Walk to End Alzheimer’s Is Here (Albquerque, NM)

Posted Sep 26 2015

September 26 is the day of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. I’m walking in honor of my mother, Karen Perini, and in honorof my father, whose love and devotion of her epitomizes the very definition of hero. I have a great team who has agreed to take part with me. Here’s the Team Perini Page.  […]

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Walk to End Alzheimer’s!! – Get Involved! Please!

Posted Aug 16 2015 in

Dear Friends and Family, This isn’t my usual type of post, but I wanted to share something with my wonderful reader and writer family! One of the reasons you haven’t seen a book from me, and won’t for a bit longer (though I’m working on Rafe’s story from the Carder Texas books), is that I have […]

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Happy Easter

Posted Apr 5 2015 in , ,

May this day bring you every blessing. Happy Easter. Here is a beautiful version of Hallelujah to enjoy.

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution 3

Posted Jan 25 2015 in , ,

My writing office is coming along. I now have my new shelves and cubbies finished and I’ve started throwing away the old, and putting back in those items that I use on a daily basis. Here’s the empty office, with my computer and printer set up. I’m SO excited!  Do you find organizing fun? I […]

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Fitness Friday: Breathing is Good

Posted Jan 23 2015 in , ,

I’ve been having allergy problems recently. My voice is about a half octave lower than normal, my throat feels a bit closed up and my breathing has been strange. I’m not sure if it’s the new ventilation system at my day job or the fact that I’ve been cleaning out my office and garage at home […]

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Thursday Take Five: My Fave Author Movie

Posted Jan 22 2015 in , ,

Some movies hit you JUST right. Movies about writers make me smile. A few that I’ve seen and enjoyed include: Finding Forrester Shakespeare in Love Misery The World According to Garp Adaptation There are more, but those are some of my favorites. But, my absolute favorite of all time. Drum roll. American Dreamer. Have you […]

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Wednesday Wisdom: Einstein and Miracles

Posted Jan 21 2015 in , ,

Miracles. These are the things of the Bible, fairytales and for other people. Or are they? In our cynical world, we have explanations for everything. Or do we? Einstein, one of the greatest minds of humankind has a thought on the subject. And perhaps one you won’t expect. What do you think?

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Tuesday Tunes: Stronger Woman

Posted Jan 20 2015 in , ,

In perusing my Itunes library, I realized something. I love music that inspires and with a message. I have some fun songs as well, but I guess I love in my music what I love in books: I want to feel something. And I want that something to enrich my life. Here’s one of my favorites. […]

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Monday Memories: What I Wish I’d Stuck With

Posted Jan 19 2015 in , ,

Looking back, there are a few things I wish I’d have done differently. I’m relatively certain most people feel that way. What’s one of mine? The piano. I took piano lessons for several years. We moved a lot, so I changed teachers. I progressed. But in order to play a new song, I had to […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution Part 2

Posted Jan 17 2015 in , , , , , ,

So, I spent more time in my office closet this weekend. I’ve been in my home for about ten years now. When I moved in we put a ton of stuff into my office closet, but now I’m cleaning it out. New Year’s Cleaning instead of Spring Cleaning you might call it. I found this: […]

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Fitness Friday: Ouch – Charley Horse!

Posted Jan 16 2015 in , ,

This morning I was relaxing in a recliner when my calf muscle just started to spasm. I really hate charley horses. They are painful, and even after stretching them out they tend to linger. A charley horse is really just a muscle spasm. I get them occasionally. Usually in bed or when I’m relaxing. What […]

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Thursday Take Five: Television Jewels

Posted Jan 15 2015 in , , , , ,

People say there’s nothing on TV anymore. I think they’re wrong. I hadn’t watched much television for about 3 years (ever since I sold my first book). Priorities, you know. But, when I took a few months off to help with my mom’s care, I found myself searching for a bit of distraction when she was […]

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Tuesday Tunes: I Won’t Give Up

Posted Jan 13 2015 in , , ,

Some songs truly touch me. I write romance novels because I love the optimism of the genre. There’s too much tragedy in the world. But there are also beauty and hope and honor and heroes.  I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing lately. What kind of writer I want to be known as? I love writing […]

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Monday Memories: My Milwaukee Brace

Posted Jan 12 2015 in , ,

Most people (except those I went to school with) don’t know it, but from the time I was twelve until I was a sophomore in high school, I wore a Milwaukee Brace for scoliosis. My spine was curved, and the lower curve was about 30 degrees. The upper curve around 20 degrees. A school screening […]

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Wacky Weekend: Office Evolution

Posted Jan 10 2015 in , , , , , , , ,

Well, I’m cleaning out of my office. I can’t wait to show you the final produce…but until then I’m delving into the dark hole that is my office closet to clean out items I haven’t touched since I moved in. GULP! And what did I find? A box that used to hold a case of […]

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Fitness Friday: I’ve Got the Music in Me!

Posted Jan 9 2015 in , , , , , , , , , , ,

I try to work out four times per week. Of course, it doesn’t always happen. Last night I didn’t leave the day job until after 7 pm and I had to get home instead of go to the gym, but…I try. My workouts typically consist of 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of floor […]

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Take Five Thursday: My Favorite Sci-Fi Book

Posted Jan 8 2015 in , , , ,

I love to read. That shouldn’t be much of a shocker. I read a lot of different types of books, and in my professional life I’m a bit of a geek so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love Sci Fi. Sci Fi movies and books. Hands down my favorite Sci Fi book […]

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